Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pictures of the house...finally. :)

Henry the gargoyle
Ok, so I hate to admit how long it took me to get this posted...and it still looks goofy.  Oh well, I know you want to see pictures, so here you go.  I am almost done furniture shopping and am excited to post pictures of the finished product soon.  Check back, I will get more things posted this week for sure!!
The back of our house

Our sidewalk
Our house

Our house with the "garden" below. 

Our mailbox that is only for decoration...they hand deliver our mail to our door at night (we have only gotten 2 things...hint hint) :)

Our gate and sidewalk

Heading to the pool

The stairs can be a bit much at times...good thing we opted for the big stroller! :)

The entrance to our garage.

Tree with an IV.

Entrance to the park, we have no idea what it says. :)

The park is gorgeous!!  Lots of room to run around!

The pool at the park.

He loves his shirt. :)

All of the parks have areas with exercise equipment.

Ping pong. :)

I thought this was so bizarre...I am pretty sure they cut down more trees to hold up the new ones than they actually planted. 

This is exactly why I don't give Mitchell the camera very often.  :)

The back of our house.

Add caption
Our front door
More pictures to follow soon...I will write about Doug's visit next.  We had a fantastic week and I have a lot of pictures to post our adventures too!!  Will do my best to do it tomorrow.  We have a huge week ahead of us (Mitchell and I will be married for 9 yrs on Tuesday and Adeline turns 5 on Wednesday!!).  Love to all!!

1 comment:

  1. It's quite beautiful, not at all what I would expect to see in China!
