Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer is coming to a close...

I must start off this entry by letting you all know that I seriously don't have it all together and I may sound like I am positively embracing this life change, but I am at most times just really freaking out inside.  I am trying to keep busy (which is quite easy these days with 3 kids and way too many suitcases to still unpack), but if I sit down long enough to breathe I realize I just plain miss home.  So thank you to all for your kind words and emails, you keep me going and I miss you too.  :)

I have never been one to look forward to time away from my kids, it just really isn't my thing, but I would be lying if I told you that I wasn't eager for school to start on Friday.  I have seriously never seen Henry and Addi get on each others nerves as much as they have this week.  They have a serious case of cabin fever and without much to do in the house, they pick on each other.  We have been unable to venture to the park this week because we have had a delivery scheduled every single day.  Monday it was telephones, Tuesday a washing machine (no dryer though), today TVs (yeah!!) and tomorrow Addi's bed.  The annoying thing about this is that most people think if you are a stay at home mom, you stay at home.  Oddly enough, we don't always do that. :)  They don't give you a time slot of when they will be coming, just a day - or two.  To top it off there are people who deliver it and then another set of people who come to set it up, both of which rarely speak any English.  No big deal, I can figure most things out even if all the buttons are in Chinese.  Right?  Wrong. :)  For example, I have figured out which temperature the clothes are washing on, but have no clue what the other settings are (there are at least 20 or more other options).  So far nothing has come out looking odd, except maybe to still have the squash or green beans smeared on them from the previous meal.  I will keep experimenting. :)

Back to starts on Friday with an orientation, hopes and fears conference with each teacher and an all school picnic.  How cool is that?!  After that we go to class with Addi for an hour or so and Henry goes to class by himself for the rest of the day.  Henry is thrilled to meet people and see what it is really like, finally.  His teacher (Miss Fiona - from Melbourne) sent an email today welcoming them to 1st grade and introducing herself.  That really lifted his spirits and now thinks 1st grade is going to be awesome.  This summer he had told my mom that 1st grade wasn't going to be very fun because he knew the only thing they did was math and take quizzes, he was sure they didn't even get recess anymore.  What a dork! :)  Addi is a bit more apprehensive and doesn't want to go because she doesn't know anyone and we won't be there.  Thankfully, they deal with kids like her every year and have fantastic ways to ease the transition!

On a positive note, we had visitors today!  Kristin and Marta (our friends from Sweden, who have been here for 3 years now) stopped by and gave us a break to our monotonous day.  It was fantastic to be able to talk to a friend, get advice and remind us that we are definitely not alone here.  It was so great to see (and hear) the kids run around laughing!  Wednesdays are kind of a weird day for us because our car (its a minivan actually, I know some of you will think that is hilarious!) is not allowed to drive into the city today.  Apparently every car is assigned a day that it isn't allowed to drive in the city to cut down on pollution.  I have no idea if this actually helps at all, but Mr Ren (our driver) had the day off today and Mitchell took a taxi.

Yesterday Mr. Ren picked the kids and I up and we went to Mitchell's work and then out for Indian last night.  Fantastic restaurant (Ganges) that we would love to take any willing visitors to! :)  Anyway, while we were driving to Mitchell's office the radio people were commentating on US superstitions and it was hilarious.  They said that black magic is very popular in the US and people are really affected by superstitions; most buildings don't have a 13th floor, rabbits feet are sold at almost any gas station across the entire country and many people actually believe that they will literally die if they don't send on a chain letter email.  Seriously, I love how things become a generality for the entire country.  Duh! :)

Alright all, I had hoped to write more tonight, but I must head to bed.  Truman has been sleeping really poorly lately and I am exhausted.  Until next time...

1 thing I miss - hoping in the car and going wherever I want to...Target, Starbucks, etc. :)

1 thing I like about China - Decathalon store...I bought a watch and the kids' backpacks super cheap!

Odd thing about China - You have to negotiate the price down on everything...highly annoying, but that is just he way it is.  Mr Ren said most things you can get for less than half of what the price is listed at.  I suck at that!!

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