Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Great day

Ok, so yesterday I told you that I had fantastic news...today totally tops it.  Truman went to bed last night at 11pm (long story) and didn't wake up again until 815am!!!  He has NEVER slept that long before, it was incredible.  It didn't seem to effect him much, he woke up just as happy as he does every other day.  But what an accomplishment!!  I am sure it was a complete fluke, but for now I am one proud mama! :)

Here is a link of a video I uploaded to flickr.  I promise you Truman will make you smile even on your worst day!!


I spent the entire day at home cleaning, organizing and designing Henry's bedroom.  It was awesome.  I can't believe how wonderful it felt to do laundry and clean.  It was almost normal or at least what I think normal used to be. :)  We are slowly starting to make this house our home and it feels really good to start to get into a routine.  

Tonight we got a babysitter, thank you Lukas!!, for Henry and Adeline and went to back to school night at ISB.  We were thinking low key; run in, run out, say hi to the teacher and go home.  Not even close. :)  It was a 3.5 hr event full of fantastic information about the upcoming year.  We were already thinking the school was absolutely phenomenal and now we are even more impressed.  I am so glad that Henry and Addi have the chance to go to this school, what an opportunity.  I know, most of you have been telling me this for months...I guess it finally sunk in. :)

Alright all, I am going to call it a day.  Can't wait to hear all of your comments on the video. :)

Thing I miss the most - hanging out in Iowa watching the news with my parents at the end of the day.
Weird thing about China - ok so not totally about China, but...I am totally addicted to coffee.  Not Starbucks, but yes I could still drink it daily, but out of the coffee pot coffee.  I know its crazy, I didn't think I would ever be grown up enough for that! :)
Thing I like about China - How friendly and willing to help other expat families are.  Everyone wants to help if you are just willing to ask.  It is seriously amazing!


  1. Hi, Jess! Thanks so much for posting the video of Truman as you were right.....it made me laugh with tears in my eyes. He's so so cute! And so is Addie for being such a great loving little mama too!!! Enjoyed reading your blog. For being in China, you are making big progress. I admire your patience and just accepting things as they come. What a special time with your family. much love,janis

  2. This has to be an amazing time in your families life, probably one that will be talked about for years to come. It has certianly been intereisting to read your blog.

  3. Sounds like so many adventures already! Kali and I just watched the video and we were both laughing so hard! What a happy boy! School sounds awesome! I'm glad that they're both enjoying it and that you are happy with it! We miss you! Taya asks about Addi all the time - she'll get a kick out of watching the video tomorrow! :)

  4. Praying for you...random thoughts after reading some of the posts (first time on your blog):

    Love the video, but as I am partial to middle children, I loved Addi's responses as well...I know she got loud and overly-into it...it just comes with being in the middle--not the oldest who seems to get to do more and not the baby, who is so cute and blah, blah, blah! ;) Truman is adorable too!

    Love the idea of having a website or blog for the class...I'm going to volunteer to do it for Imagine's kindergarten (all 3 classes)...IF we go there for awhile, these are the kids Ashley will be growing up with...might as well get to know them all (and all of the teachers and their different teaching styles).

    I would suggest to try some of the odder foods (maybe not the heads of things--ewh!)...I've been to South Korea and Russia and the Dominican Republic and have been pleasantly surprised at times!

    SO excited for you all! I just asked David if he'd want to go to China and his first response was NO! but that's usually the case...so I'll work on him...and we're wanting to adopt, so who knows...maybe you can find our little Abbey for us (always wanted an Abigail Grace and a sister for Ashley)... I'd really like to visit Steven Curtis Chapman's BIG HOUSE OF HOPE... find it and check it out! Maybe you can pick out our little girl for us! ;) I'm sure God would help you, so no pressure!

    I will remember you in our prayers...the kids look so happy...sorry you're missing your family and friends here in CO (and in the States)...but remember...home is where your heart is and your family is with you and you are so loved. God is going to do awesome things through you! Never doubt that...and cling to Eph 2:10...he created these things for you to do! BLESSINGS...andrea
