Monday, August 9, 2010

Long overdue!!

I am sure at some point over the last few months you have heard me say "I seriously need to write a blog", well the day has finally come.  I hope this will be an easier way for all of you to catch up on our latest adventures and mishaps and a great way for us to remember this crazy journey. :)

So, I guess the biggest question is how in the world did we end up in China?!  It is a crazy question that I have been asking myself a lot lately. :)  Life was perfect (or at least as close to as it could have been) in Colorado, why would we want to go and do something different...well, Mitchell was offered a job that he really wanted to take.  One that would challenge him, give him opportunities to grow and learn and hopefully provide a link between the Beijing and the Boulder office.  How could I say no?  Yes I wanted to,  I would have been nuts I think if that wouldn't have been my original reaction. :)  As scary and overwhelming and frustrating as this entire move has been for me, I do think it will be an invaluable opportunity for the kids and for Mitchell professionally (and as much as I don't want to admit it, for myself as well). 

Before I start sharing stories of our new adventures, I want to thank all of you who helped us get here.  There is absolutely no way we could have made this journey without all of you, our friends and family, and without your love, support and constant prayers!!  Thank you to our families who thought we were nuts, but were in a small sense excited for us :), for not freaking out and for already looking to book your tickets to come and visit.  I know China was never on my "must travel to" list either, but it is a great opportunity and we would love it! :)  Thank you to our Colorado family, you guys are amazing.  I would have NEVER gotten here without you...physically or emotionally!  You helped me in so many huge ways that I could never say thank you enough.  Your support, encouragement, love, hospitality and agreement to meet at Starbucks, no matter how many times we had already been that week, was absolutely incredible.  :)

So read on and see what life is like in this crazy corner half way across the world...I will do my best to share as much as possible and will try to include pictures often. :)

I will try to do this at the end of every post...we will see how it changes. :)
1 Thing I miss the most -
People (both friends and family) it has only been a week, but feels like it has been an eternity since I was with you.  Hopefully getting our phone setup so we can at least talk soon will help!

1 Thing I like about China -
The food!!  It is so delicious and you can find any genre of food here.  (Take that with a grain of salt...I am not daring and don't try all of the authentic dishes Mitchell will try - animals with heads still on, things on the bone, etc.) :)

Odd China observance -
Some of the trees have IV bags attached to them. When I first saw it it caught me off guard and then I thought it was hilarious.  Makes sense I guess, but I had never seen anything like that before.  I will be sure to get a picture posted of that soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what an experience! Keep the pictures and news of your adventure coming. Be safe and love always, Dennis and Terri Mortvedt
