Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Miss me??

Ok, I guess it is time to write again...especially since everyone is enjoying Mitchell's witty posts so much. :) 

We had our first real emergency yesterday and got a real feel for "expat" health-care in China.  I was having lunch (and coffee) with Nikki and Truman when I got a call from the school nurse.  Henry had collided with another student at recess.  The only description he gave me was that he had gotten Henry to stop crying, but he was pretty sure I needed to take him in to have him looked at.  Nothing more.  When we arrived at school I found poor Henry in the nurses clinic covered blood and looking rather beat up.  He had been running when they collided, as was the other boy, and they both looked worse for wear.  Henry had split a good portion of his lip in two places and was bleeding like crazy. 

We dropped Truman off with our ayi and headed to the Beijing United Clinic (BJU) in Shunyi close to our house.  After being seen by 2 different doctors, both saying that Henry needed quite a few stitches, they sent us to the ER at BJU hospital in the city to have it done.  Henry was totally freaking out...as was I remembering how hard it was to pull him out from under the table in the doctor's office last time he had to get a shot.  We picked up Mitchell from work and headed to the ER.  Same diagnosis here, by 2 more doctors, stitches were needed.  Henry was shaking with fear, literally, and was begging for them not to do anything.  So my darling husband, remembering what it was like when he was 6 to get stitches in his own lip, went and privately discussed the situation with the doctor.  They came to the conclusion that stitches could be avoided if Henry kept it clean, was on antibiotics plus a mouthwash, and he avoided running/etc so he wouldn't injure it more.  It would take a lot longer to heal this way, but would save the poor kid the dramatic experience of getting stitches in his lip. 

I won't lie to you, it looks horrible and I thought avoiding stitches was a bad idea.  It has started to reattach a little bit and the swelling is slightly less.  Mitchell keeps reassuring Henry that he looks very tough and I just keep silently praying that it will heal ok. :)  I will continue to keep you updated on his healing process.  He is one brave kid!!

On our way to the ER.
Day 2, heading to school.


  1. We are children of a God that is sooo much bigger than a split lip! Don't worry, it WILL heal.

  2. the picture with the tear gets me every time i look at it. Hope he feels better today!

  3. Sorry to hear about Henry's collision. You know Ted is an expert in repairing body damage. You dont need a doctor, you need Ted's Body Shop. :) Please say hi for me and give him a hug for being so mature about it.
