Monday, September 20, 2010


I will be honest...I never in a million years expected to be so busy here.  So busy, that I am struggling to find time to write an email, make a phone call and write on the blog.  It is seriously ridiculous.  I love it, don't get me wrong, I would rather have lots to do instead of nothing...I just never thought it would be the case.  I keep saying as soon as this happens (get all of our furniture, for example) I will have time, but then something else comes up too.  I will try to make the blog a bigger priority and write more often. 

We had our first out of town guest over for dinner this week.  Mitchell's colleague, Cash, from Dallas was in town and he was able to fit us into his crazy schedule.  :)  We had a fantastic evening, but it started (and ended) with an adventure.  Not 5 minutes after they walked in the door the power went out.  I don't think I have explained the power/utility situation in China yet and it definitely needs mentioning. :)  In Beijing you prepay your utilities and if you forget to recharge your cards you run power, no water, no gas.  It is interesting.  Our garage is currently closed because they are resurfacing it (and have been for 2 weeks now) and we haven't thought to go down and check the meter for the electricity.  We can recharge the card at the clubhouse for power though (water and gas have to be done at the bank) thank goodness.  Once we had the lights back on we were able to share a nice supper and night of fellowship.  Mitchell took Cash to the clubhouse to get a taxi back to his hotel and they were told that you have to call 2-3 hrs in advance to get a taxi.  Yikes!  Instead one of the workers (Chinese-speaking only) volunteered to drive him back to his hotel because it was near her house.  Thankfully it was fine, but what a story for him to tell! :)

Nikki took me to the "secret handbag shop" this week to do a little unnecessary (but needed) shopping!  You walk down an alley and knock on a big steel door and wait for someone to come and open it for you.  Once inside there are rooms for, clothes, purses, wallets, glasses, shoes, etc.  It is fabulous.  It is said to be better quality knock offs than the touristy markets...either way, it was a fantastic adventure and a must do with visitors!! :)  I bought a purple leather purse (channeling my inner diva for you Em!!), a leather briefcase for Mitchell, red converse shoes for Henry, a pink/purple/orange/yellow Coach purse for Addi (hahaha), a North Face coat for me and one for Henry, and pair of traditional silk Chinese pajamas for Addi all for $150!!  It was fabulous!

So we (I) broke down and got an ayi this week.  Ayi in Chinese means "auntie" and they are hired to be a clean, do laundry, help with the kids, babysit, etc.  I didn't want to have one because I thought I could do it all on my own.  Who am I kidding?  I don't have time to clean a 4000sq ft house and take care of the kids and be involved in their school...let alone have outings to the secret handbag shop! :)  Anyway, our driver recommended her so we decided why not giver her a try.  Well she was great...and then she quit on day 3 because the work was too hard.  Talk about making me feel mean!  Although the only thing I asked her to do differently from what she was doing was to use cleaning solutions...she cleaned (8hrs) on Monday with only water.  She did make dumplings with Addi one afternoon though.

Anyway, we interviewed more and found a new ayi who started yesterday and the kids absolutely love her.  She is super nice (doesn't speak English), very thorough and does a great job.  She starts full time on October 7.  They have already been making things to give her the next time she comes. 

Our indoor pool at the clubhouse opened this week, so we took the kids there on Saturday.  They had a fabulous time and we basically had the whole pool to ourselves.  The only down side is that they forgot to build a shallow end to the pool.  The hot tub is great, huge and shallow and the pool is big and really nice, but you can't touch. :)  Too funny!!  Anyway, here are a few pictures from the afternoon...


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