Friday, March 25, 2011

New website...

Hello everyone!  I just wanted to let you know that we have moved our blog to a new site.  We aren't having great luck with our VPN in China and can't get to this website very often.  So, we have moved it to a new site that is not blocked (at least so far).  You can read all of the old stuff there and should be able to sign up to receive emails when we post something new.  We are doing our best to get caught up, but there is a lot of stuff we are behind on. :)  Happy Reading...

Love to all!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Boracay is awesome!

Ok, so I know most of you are really only wanting to see pictures of our perfect, relaxing blissful beach vacation and don't want a bunch of stuff to this post you get your wish. :)  Our internet is back (only took almost 2 months) and both Mitchell and I are sick, so this is a much quicker option for me.

All in all, our vacation was amazing.  We had a wonderful time with Dan, Nikki, Jake, Cameron and Haylee Esmond.  There were no fights, arguments, fit throwing, tantrums, etc with the kids...they spent the entire week loving every second of being together (even asking on the flight back to Beijing when they could get together for a play-date).  They built sand castles, played "pretend" in the hammocks around our hotel, swam, met new friends, explored "Pirate Pete's Cave" thanks to Dan and his creative imagination, swam, ate ice cream (every day...a Staecker family tradition that is now passed on to the Esmonds, thank you grandma and grandpa!!) and swam some more.  The adults also enjoyed all of these things plus naps, $10 hour massages, cocktail hour on the deck, tons of great conversations and a week long of just enjoying and appreciating our kids.  It was darn near perfect I must say!!